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Karla Lessa's work addresses a series of conceptual metaphors that reveal her artistic trajectory and maturity. As a result of experimentation and a conscious exercise of freedom, her expression, which has already manifested itself from watercolor to graphite, finds affirmation and security with the ink.

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Graduated in Advertising and Marketing, Fashion and Photography. Specialist also in art criticism, Business Management, Art and Aesthetics and Graphic Design. Consultant of Artistic projects, producer of exhibitions, curator and writer of curatorial texts.

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The inner self and the public persona reconcile, but keep their differences and explain their antitheses in the different paths that Karla deftly travels on the screen. The outer moments of joy translated into colors, now Pop, now in a cubist flirtation, give a counterpoint to works in black and white and sepia. The latter, clearly intimate, lead the observer to reflection.


The alternation between the Abstract and the Figurative does not inhibit the common creative essence, of an essentially feminine character, in a less explicit way than, for example, Georgia O’Keeffe. With softness and lightness, a corporeality is subtly present in a ballet of lines and sinuosities.


Instigating, her work challenges the observer in the search for meaning, for the figure implicit in the abstract, for the abstraction that hovers over the figure. Free of emotional anchors, Karla suggests, hints. And she portrays timeless dilemmas when presenting with elegance a universe with which the observer identifies, recognizing in it a diversity that is the synthesis of her own existence.

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